You continue to be a compulsive liar,
an avaricious and an egocentric Pharaoh of our time…
But you are not the only one…
there is one like you in every part of our world..
With the aid of your magicians in every studio
behind every camera.. on every screen…every billboard..
You try to dazzle my eyes and delude me for your worldly gains…
Stop misleading me…
As my need to know is greater than my desire to be fooled…
And my need to seek is greater than my desire to be lead…
Knowledge will set me free..
Free from the shackles of enslavement, bondage and injustice…
Knowledge will illuminate my path…
A Path of darkness, loneliness and ignorance…
Knowledge will enrich me in wealth…
A Wealth of life experiences, meeting new people and visiting new places…
Knowledge will empower my unsound-heart..
A heart full of worldly desires, arrogance and unacceptance of the other…
Knowledge will uplift my spirit and soothe my tormented soul..
A soul that lacks tranquility, serenity and reassurance…
And the best way to acquire such knowledge..
is to lift my hands up high…and ask none but Him…
“O’ My Lord, Increase me in Knowledge”