Empty are their hearts, as we have not satisfied their hunger…
Thirsty are their souls, as we have not quenched their thirst..
With our hands we pushed them away and offered them as preys to strangers in strange lands.. Some had to jump off the high african coastal cliffs..others had to swim miles away…not forgetting those who walked for days without water nor food…
To these strangers, we’ve granted our existence..
To these strangers, we’ve submitted our humaneness before showing it to our neighbours…
To these strangers, we gave full control of our educational and economical systems.
To these strangers, we’ve simply sold our souls………
How can we then question about the unhappiness of this Land…
The love of this world is all that is on the tip of our tongues as we speak of power and wealth. We got fooled by the promises of having peace keepers protecting our interests and borders… Only to show us how crippled we are as a continent…
Africa, We are to blame for your unrest.. We’ve abandoned you all these years..
Let us not point fingers at our leaders only.. Their only problem has been that they are still stuck in a bubble… A bubble that hasn’t changed since 1963… Singing a song with pride over their achievements in liberating our continent so long ago.. I often wonder about what would be more beneficial? To burst their bubbles or to leave them in it… They’ve been trying to unite Africa for 51 years… but at the same time turning a blind eye to the corrupt officials who care about their own pockets instead of the lives of the millions. Every year they come up with a new agenda and new promises…
Again I dream… As my pen records down my wishes/hopes/prayers on this Africa day…
I dream of a true united Africa..
An Africa with a common vision…An Africa with nations that will always consider it’s actions and decisions with regards to its neighbours and the continent as a whole..
I dream of ‘African solutions for African problems’…
An Africa that will reawaken the discourse between it’s states…
I dream of a new african narrative that will speak of the beauty of the land, it’s richness in culture and diversity…the peaceful coexistence of it’s inhabitants away from political liberalism and economic capitalism…
It’s natural resources shared between each other….
It’s inherent tranquil fullness of the people…Instead of the narrative of today on famine, war, and disease- told to the world. For Africans to write and tell our own compelling stories to our children..Which will in return burst the bubble of our self-serving leaders..