Who Are You Fooling?
You continue to be a compulsive liar, an avaricious and an egocentric Pharaoh of our time... But you are not the only one… there is one like you in every part of our world.. With the aid of your magicians in every studio behind every camera.. on every...
…من أروع اللحظات… وانا انتظر
بين اجمل لحظة واصعب لحظة جلست مع نفسي..في مقهى جميل في وسط مدينة نواكشوط....مع ان الجو كان حارا جدا فضلت الجلوس في الحديقه.....كان الناس من حولي ....ولكن اخترت الجلوس لوحدي.... بعيدة عن كلام المادحون وضر القادحون...منهم من يظن اني تقيه لاني جلست وحيده...والبعض يراني...
A Red Rose to a Beautiful Soul…
لكل امرأة عظيمه...عظيمه لأنها امرأة ليس لانه يوم المرأه العالمي. .ولا عيد الام..ولا عيد ميلادك بل لانه يوم عادي في شهر عادي لكل قريبة وبعيده... لكل صديقه وحبيبه.. لكل من وهبتني جزء من روحها العطره احببت ان اهديك هذه الورده ... وجدتها هذا الصباح في وسط مدينه نواكشوط...
Peace be Upon those who follow True Guidance

I’m a social addict, I enjoy meeting people and putting smiles on their faces. As much as I love meeting people in cyberspace, there is nothing like the feeling of meeting a nice lady in a bus, on a plane, in a corner shop or a hairdresser and talking to her as if you’ve known her for years. Wow meeting new faces, hearing their stories, what bliss…
I’ve been a chatterbox for as long as I can remember, I’ve always been a dreamer too. But as life’s started to challenge me, I’ve started to enjoy writing. I’ve realised that writing actually gives me the time to think of my words 2-3 times before they are noted down. I’ve decided to take on the challenge of writing this blog… This is all new to me, so let’s see how it develops. I might be a really bad writer but I always believe that as individuals we’ve been put here to grow and to increase our abilities…
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