Today was different… I usually tend to look forward when I go for my walks…but today I stopped suddenly and realised that I had walked for a very long distance…
As I was heading towards my destination I started to feel tired and desperate to when will I reach it…
I turned back as I would usually do and I looked at the trail I left behind… I noticed for the first time ever- footsteps that are not an hour long, but over thirty years long… Footsteps of a wanderlust who always knew that her final destination in this world will be to you- sooner or later…
The sounds of the Ocean, splashing waves, and seagull-screams, everything around me today reminded me of you… My Homeland. ..
As I stand on the edge of the Sahara by the shores of the Atlantic, I faced east with the hope that I will catch a breeze that will bring me your scented news… News of sincere celebrations for your independence… instead he spoke of a constitution…
Looking out at the ocean, one often sees a seemingly infinite series of waves, as far as the eye can … These waves today, reminded me of the infinite suffering of my people for the past twenty three years… Endless pain for the Eritreans at home and in the Diaspora alike…
As light breaks, but where no sun shines- I continue with my walk heading East .. Trying not to despair from my unreachable destination… I remembered the sacrifices of my beloved father and the many honorable men and women like him… Men who faught for an Eritrea, where no child cries because of hunger and no parent feels impotent and humiliated because they couldn’t provide for their family.
O’ Eritrea, I dream of the day, I will walk on your shores looking out at the red sea, watching the children play in it’s cool waters…
Where the elderly and weak are returned back and taken care of with great honour… and where compassion, tolerance and reciprocity keep our society together making our diversity cause of unity rather than divisions.