Who Are You Fooling?

Who Are You Fooling?

  You continue to be a compulsive liar, an avaricious and an egocentric Pharaoh of our time… But you are not the only one… there is one like you in every part of our world.. With the aid of your magicians in every studio behind every camera.. on every...
…من أروع اللحظات… وانا انتظر

…من أروع اللحظات… وانا انتظر

بين اجمل لحظة واصعب لحظة جلست مع نفسي..في مقهى جميل في وسط مدينة نواكشوط….مع ان الجو كان حارا جدا فضلت الجلوس في الحديقه…..كان الناس من حولي ….ولكن اخترت الجلوس لوحدي…. بعيدة عن كلام المادحون وضر القادحون…منهم من يظن اني تقيه لاني جلست...
A Red Rose to a Beautiful Soul…

A Red Rose to a Beautiful Soul…

لكل امرأة عظيمه…عظيمه لأنها امرأة ليس لانه يوم المرأه العالمي. .ولا عيد الام..ولا عيد ميلادك بل لانه يوم عادي في شهر عادي لكل قريبة وبعيده… لكل صديقه وحبيبه.. لكل من وهبتني جزء من روحها العطره  احببت ان اهديك هذه الورده … وجدتها هذا الصباح في وسط...
Don’t Ask Me Why…

Don’t Ask Me Why…

Don’t Ask Me Why… Thousands are fleeing your borders and lands.. Dragging their feet through your deserts, mountains and plains. Swimming across your lagoons, rivers and lakes.   Men and women, young and old walking for days, with dust on their heads and...
My Pen, My One and Only Voice…

My Pen, My One and Only Voice…

  Do not blame my pen for existing… Do not blame my pen for writing what my lips fail to say… Do not blame me, if my pen asks questions about your existence. .. Why you were created and where you are heading? Do not blame me, If my pen tells a sad...
We are to blame! (Africa Day 2014)

We are to blame! (Africa Day 2014)

  Empty are their hearts, as we have not satisfied their hunger… Thirsty are their souls, as we have not quenched their thirst.. With our hands we pushed them away and offered them as preys to strangers in strange lands.. Some had to jump off the high...