You are the symbol of persistence While I have nothing to show the world.. but my joy and cry.. A Joy of giving birth to one, two or perhaps three Making me feel extremely special... A cry of watching you bury yours one after another... You smile, although your hands...
Against the shadows of Oppression
I will not shout nor scream as you stand in my way... Trying to frighten me with your aggressive ways.. I will not insult you Nor call you names... I refuse to be abusive.... Neither verbally or physically... While you strip my dignity and modesty away... I...
قلب الظالم
أتعجب من قلبي وهو يعذبني طوال الليل عندما أشعر بأنني ظلمت أو جرحت إنسان بكلمات لم أكن اقصدها أتعجب من قلب رجل يسرق أموال الفقراء واخر يأكل اموال الأيتام..واخر يعتدي على طفله ويغتصبها... واخر يقتل ... واخر يكذب و أتعجب أكثر من قلب حاكم ظلم شعبا بأكمله سرق الاموال...
Peace be Upon those who follow True Guidance

I’m a social addict, I enjoy meeting people and putting smiles on their faces. As much as I love meeting people in cyberspace, there is nothing like the feeling of meeting a nice lady in a bus, on a plane, in a corner shop or a hairdresser and talking to her as if you’ve known her for years. Wow meeting new faces, hearing their stories, what bliss…
I’ve been a chatterbox for as long as I can remember, I’ve always been a dreamer too. But as life’s started to challenge me, I’ve started to enjoy writing. I’ve realised that writing actually gives me the time to think of my words 2-3 times before they are noted down. I’ve decided to take on the challenge of writing this blog… This is all new to me, so let’s see how it develops. I might be a really bad writer but I always believe that as individuals we’ve been put here to grow and to increase our abilities…
You are the symbol of persistence While I have nothing to show the world.. but my joy and cry.. A Joy of giving birth to one, two or perhaps three Making me feel extremely special... A cry of watching you bury yours one after another... You smile, although your hands...
Against the shadows of Oppression
I will not shout nor scream as you stand in my way... Trying to frighten me with your aggressive ways.. I will not insult you Nor call you names... I refuse to be abusive.... Neither verbally or physically... While you strip my dignity and modesty away... I...
قلب الظالم
أتعجب من قلبي وهو يعذبني طوال الليل عندما أشعر بأنني ظلمت أو جرحت إنسان بكلمات لم أكن اقصدها أتعجب من قلب رجل يسرق أموال الفقراء واخر يأكل اموال الأيتام..واخر يعتدي على طفله ويغتصبها... واخر يقتل ... واخر يكذب و أتعجب أكثر من قلب حاكم ظلم شعبا بأكمله سرق الاموال...
ذهبت يا حبيبي عني فلم اجد سواك حبيبا
أبي كل ما ضاق بي الحال...ذكرتك في ظلمات الليل.. وانا أبحث في مذكراتك كالمدمن الذي يبحث بجنون عن ما يريحه او يخدر آﻻمه لكي أجد الكلمات التي كنت تكتبها في جوف الليل..وأنت في أرجاء تلك الغرفه الصغيره التي تحف جدرانها البيضاء صور جميله علقت بإهمال..كانت اكثر هذه الصور...
A conversation with thy soul..
O' dearest soul, My one and only true love, for years I have cherished our bond...Your love has kept me going against the odds.. An evil soul you were not to me, but an eternal companion full of goodness... My life is meaningless without you.. I remember all the late...
Steps in My Life
At times I take big steps, but I often take small baby steps.. Always was taught that best steps have to be well-shod, but I mostly prefer taking barefooted steps… Occasionally I take backward steps down memory lane, but mainly I take steps forward towards a brighter...
Who Are You Fooling?
You continue to be a compulsive liar, an avaricious and an egocentric Pharaoh of our time... But you are not the only one… there is one like you in every part of our world.. With the aid of your magicians in every studio behind every camera.. on every...
…من أروع اللحظات… وانا انتظر
بين اجمل لحظة واصعب لحظة جلست مع نفسي..في مقهى جميل في وسط مدينة نواكشوط....مع ان الجو كان حارا جدا فضلت الجلوس في الحديقه.....كان الناس من حولي ....ولكن اخترت الجلوس لوحدي.... بعيدة عن كلام المادحون وضر القادحون...منهم من يظن اني تقيه لاني جلست وحيده...والبعض يراني...
A Red Rose to a Beautiful Soul…
لكل امرأة عظيمه...عظيمه لأنها امرأة ليس لانه يوم المرأه العالمي. .ولا عيد الام..ولا عيد ميلادك بل لانه يوم عادي في شهر عادي لكل قريبة وبعيده... لكل صديقه وحبيبه.. لكل من وهبتني جزء من روحها العطره احببت ان اهديك هذه الورده ... وجدتها هذا الصباح في وسط مدينه نواكشوط...
Don’t Ask Me Why…
Don’t Ask Me Why... Thousands are fleeing your borders and lands.. Dragging their feet through your deserts, mountains and plains. Swimming across your lagoons, rivers and lakes. Men and women, young and old walking for days, with dust on their heads and...
My Pen, My One and Only Voice…
Do not blame my pen for existing... Do not blame my pen for writing what my lips fail to say... Do not blame me, if my pen asks questions about your existence. .. Why you were created and where you are heading? Do not blame me, If my pen tells a sad story.. Do...
We are to blame! (Africa Day 2014)
Empty are their hearts, as we have not satisfied their hunger... Thirsty are their souls, as we have not quenched their thirst.. With our hands we pushed them away and offered them as preys to strangers in strange lands.. Some had to jump off the high african...
A Rose in the Desert
On the coastal city of Nouakchott..Amid the hustle and bustle of city life, a rose is born... Inhabited in a dry desert with extremities of chilly winds by night and hot sun by day.. Blinded by the stinging clouds, formed by the blowing sand of the Sahara...
Dawn Breaks – 23 years of Oppression Continues…
Today was different... I usually tend to look forward when I go for my walks...but today I stopped suddenly and realised that I had walked for a very long distance... As I was heading towards my destination I started to feel tired and desperate to when will I...
My Hero
One way to remember who you are is to remember who your heroes are.... My Hero left this world seven years ago...Yet his light remains... Memories of his bravery and sacrifices kindle my path.... Teaching me to stand for what I believe in Even it means to go against...
Capturing the moments
"Appreciate beauty, take pictures and make memories. Capture it, you never know when it’ll be gone." I'm not a photographer as some might think but I definitely have the passion for it.. I'm Always in search for that instant in my life to...
Our solitude
"Never be afraid of being alone As Our answer lies in solitude" As I saunter through the sandy beaches watching the sunset, feeling absolutely free from all worldly engagements. I conquer my fears of lonliness and find my solitude. . It's like I've been given a...
Hajj: The Journey Our Hearts Are Longing To Make
"And proclaim unto mankind the pilgrimage. They will come unto thee on foot and on every lean camel; they will come from every deep ravine" (Qur'an 22:27) "Don't be hasty and rush for things that have not yet happened?" Someone once told me… "Your time will come,...
“Searching for that Divine Comfort?”
"And Job, when he cried unto his Lord, (saying): Lo! adversity afflicteth me, and Thou art Most Merciful of all who show mercy." Qur'an 21: 83 When I was on my hospital bed a few months ago, I sat facing the qibla, longing for the sweetness of sujood that I've been...
There is Hope even in the Worst of Circumstances
"So do not weaken and do not grieve, and you will be superior if you are [true] believers." [Quran 3:139] I met her many years ago, She was always one of those that you meet and acknowledge but never get to know her... You know she is always there and you...
The Man in Seat Sixty-One and The Family of Seven
When Abu Shayma and I decided to make the journey to Mauritania extra special for our children. We came across this amazing website I got very excited at the thought of traveling across France, Spain and Morocco to reach our final destination-...
One year later…Living as strangers?
They ask: "why Mauritania and not Egypt nor The Gulf?? I reply: "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail” Ralph Waldo Emerson I received a call yesterday from my husband. Since his return to London, he always made...
Eritrea: How My Soul Yearns for You!!!
"And those who disbelieved said to their messengers, "We will surely drive you out of our land, or you must return to our religion." [Ibrahim 13] "They said, "And why should we not fight in the cause of Allah when we have been driven out from our homes and (separated)...
So here we are to make sense of it all…
As I am sitting down in my garden in this beautiful part of Nouakchott, Mauritania. Enjoying the cool breeze of the Atlantic Ocean and the warmth of being situated, on the Edge of the Sahara... Almost a year after our departure from what I would've called "home sweet...